newton dental

Oral Appliances In Newton, MA

Oral appliances are devices designed to take care of your teeth. They include devices to clean and polish your teeth, as well as those that grind your teeth to improve their function.

Book an Appointment

Sleep Apnea

You’ll want to know more about your treatment options if you’re among the many Americans affected by sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that can have a physical, psychological, and even emotional impact on your life.
Most people who suffer from sleep apnea stop breathing multiple times during the night. Sleep apnea can be a frightening and unsettling illness. Fortunately, there are many effective treatment options.
Complete Dental of Newton can help you determine if you have sleep apnea. Mr Rizwan Baig is an expert in this area and can detect any obstructions in your airway. Newton’s dentist will also be able to recommend diagnostic testing and treatments that may be helpful.
The first step in treating sleep apnea is a sleep study. During this process, your doctor will record your sleep habits to determine if you have any interruptions in your breathing during sleep.

Teeth Grinding

If you’re looking for a way to stop grinding your teeth, look no further than Complete Newton Dental. They offer various services to help you get your mouth in order.
One of the most common dental complaints is bruxism, or clenching and grinding your teeth while you sleep. Bruxism can cause headaches, jaw pain, and tooth damage. Not only does bruxism lead to these unpleasant consequences, but it can also lead to serious health complications.
If you or your child suffer from bruxism, it is likely time to see a doctor. A Newton dentist can test for the affliction and recommend the best treatment options. Some insurance companies will cover the cost of a night guard, a plastic device that provides a barrier between the lower and upper teeth.
The right dental appliances can make the difference between a good night’s sleep and a nightmare. For patients with sleep apnea, it can reduce the risk of a heart attack. Additionally, having a night guard in place can give you a better chance of waking up in the morning with your jaw muscles properly relaxed.

Procedure and Process Treatment

Care By Professionals You Can Trust

1. Consultations

newton ma dental Check Up

2. Check Up

Newton ma dental Treatments

3. Treatments

newton ma dental Recovery

4. Recovery

Insurances We Accept:

  • Altus
  • Ameritas
  • BCBS of MA
  • Cigna
  • Delta (MA, NE, NY, NJ, PA)
  • Guardian
  • Masshealth
  • Metlife
Dental Emergencies In Newton

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