newton dental

Dental Implants In Newton, MA

Dental Implants In Newton, MA​

People with toothless mouths feel embarrassed by their smiles, hide them on purpose, and lose confidence. It is not just an ugly gap left in missing teeth but also a place for hard bacteria to grow, leading to infections. Sometimes, nearby teeth may become mobile, causing the child to have speech problems and eating difficulty.

We totally understand what you are going through and can guide you through it at Complete Dental of Newton Office. We operate a denture implant clinic where we help our clients regain their self-confidence, improve their health status, and start living anew.

Dental implantation is an amazing technique that enables us to replace our lost teeth permanently and naturally, making our smile real. Here at Complete Dental, we recognize that you have various dental care providers to choose from, which is why the Complete Dental Newton Office team goes above and beyond to offer you an improved customer experience. Our offices, conveniently located in the city of Newton, MA, are there for all those people who want to restore the functional capacity of their teeth as well as look natural in other words.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are titanium tooth roots that are put into the jawbone to support artificial teeth. It is a commonly used method of replacing one or more lost teeth. They were made so that they can resemble real teeth, and work like them, thus making it a dependable and permanent solution for loss of teeth.

Book an Appointment

The Process of Installing Implants

When you lose one or more teeth, dental implants can provide a permanent solution for replacing them. For eligibility verification, please schedule an appointment at our dentist’s office in Newton, MA, by calling (617)527-0217. During your visit, we will examine your mouth and jawbone thoroughly to see if this procedure is right for you.

Your gums should be healthy and your jawbone strong before the implantation. If any cavities or gum diseases are noticed, these issues must be addressed and treated before starting with the dental implant surgery.

After that, when you have been approved to go ahead with the operation, the Complete Dental of Newton Office team will take molds of your mouth so as to make a new tooth in a special dental laboratory. Each artificial tooth is carefully designed to correspond with surrounding teeth’ size, shape and color for an unnoticeable natural smile after treatment. Many patients are happy with their experience since it gets hard to distinguish between real and fake teeth, which makes one have a confident genuine smile on them.

Dental Implants In Newton
Newton, MA Dental Implants

Newton, MA Dental Implants

The next very indispensable stage in the dental implant procedure is the putting of a metal post under the gumline. It is this feature that makes dental implants stand out in contrast with other forms of aesthetic dentistry. The titanium post is firmly attached to the jaw bone, creating a very robust artificial root system that is so tough like natural roots except that it is not infected. The four-stage process of this method is spread over several months, and a natural fusion of the metal post and the jawbone is ensured, which can’t be reached by the alternative procedures.

The single-tooth implant is designed to mimic the natural tooth growth with the fusion of synthetic tooth and the use of a metal post, which passes the new tooth to the gum surface. It is very impressive that with this attachment, patients can be sure they will be able to delight in their desired meals, take care of their active life, play sports, and so on without any worry that their teeth might get loose or disposed of. Dental implant patients can revel in the kingly feeling by never having to dive into trouble with their teeth.

In Complete Dental of Newton Office, the implant procedure is meticulously carried out by our devoted specialists using complete care, comfort, and utility. Proper planning of each phase is done to avoid possible errors at the start.

Caring for Dental Implants

Implants are the most user-friendly type of substitute tooth. We gladly provide our Newton, MA patients with many answers to typically asked questions. The surprises vary from simple activities like ‘Can implants come out?’ and ‘How do I care for my teeth?’. These and many other questions have relatively easy answers.
We gladly provide our Newton, MA patients with many answers to typically asked questions. The surprises vary from simple activities like ‘Can implants come out?’ and ‘How do I care for my teeth?’. These and many other questions have relatively easy answers.
Our patients in Newton, MA, usually have really nice questions such as Yes, can implants fall out? And How should I care for my teeth after the surgery? Good news, the answers are simple!
The root system of synthetic dental implants ensured that they were strongly anchored, thus, in turn, making them very durable and firmly attached. The dental implants’ quality is totally stable, so you can take part in sports activities such as running, playing basketball, or wrestling without any worries that you will lose a tooth.

In order to clean your implants as well, there are some steps you should follow, such as brushing and flossing your teeth regularly as usual, twice a day. Moreover, we suggest making bidirectional dental appointments with Dr. Rizwan Baig, who is an experienced dentist, at least two times a year. The staff here at Complete Dental Office Newton will help you take care of your teeth so that they can last a lifetime. Dental implants, though, cannot undergo the infection process but, together with other teeth that are susceptible to the infection. If left untreated, the infection will then spread to the bones and tissues in your jaw and cause severe damage. This leads to your dental implants being also at risk because a strong jawbone is critical for their foundation. However, if there is an infection, it can put into jeopardy your natural teeth as well as implants.

In case you are unable to endure the discomfort of getting implants, please do not ignore the need for quick attention by contacting our office at (617) 527-0217 to make a scheduled appointment. This provides us with the ability to find and treat any bacterial infection before it becomes a problem for the jawbone. Implementing these simple preventive care methods will help your implants and your natural teeth to live healthily.

Caring for Dental Implants


If you are considering the implants as an option, do not hesitate to call us at (617) 527-0217. Upon entering the Complete Dental of Newton Office, you will undoubtedly be greeted by the team’s famous friendliness and welcoming atmosphere. We will also spend the needed time to prepare you by explaining all of your available options and recommending the most suitable oral health program designed exclusively for you. Keep in mind that the best implant dentists exist, and they can help you to have an awesome and natural look. In case your smile needs to be fixed due to missing teeth, we would love to help you achieve that with our tools. Hitch a ride with us now, and let us transform your beam into one as magnificent as your marvellous self.

Procedure and Process Treatment

Experience the pinnacle of dental care with our cutting-edge Dental Implant Procedure and Process Treatment. At Complete Dental of Newton, we specialize in restoring your smile’s integrity and functionality through state-of-the-art dental implant procedures. Trust our skilled team to provide you with a seamless and comfortable experience, ensuring a long-lasting and radiant smile. Discover the confidence that comes with a perfect smile today

1. Consultations

Our dental implant process begins with thorough consultations to understand your unique needs and preferences.
newton ma dental Check Up

2. Check Up

A comprehensive checkup allows us to assess your oral health, ensuring you're a suitable candidate for dental implants.
Newton ma dental Treatments

3. Treatments

Our skilled team performs precise implant placement and restoration procedures using advanced techniques.
newton ma dental Recovery

4. Recovery

We guide you through a smooth recovery process, ensuring your new smile is not only beautiful but also functional and comfortable.

Insurances We Accept:

  • Altus
  • Ameritas
  • BCBS of MA
  • Cigna
  • Delta (MA, NE, NY, NJ, PA)
  • Guardian
  • Masshealth
  • Metlife
Dental Emergencies In Newton

Frequently Ask Questions

For specific questions, please ask the dentist during your visit.

Dental implants are advanced tooth replacement solutions that mimic the structure and function of natural teeth. They consist of three main parts: the implant post, the abutment, and the prosthetic crown. The implant post, typically made of titanium, is surgically placed into the jawbone, which integrates with the bone through osseointegration. This provides a strong and stable foundation for the replacement tooth. The abutment is attached to the implant post and connects it to the prosthetic crown, custom-made to match your natural teeth—dental implants work by replacing the missing tooth from root to crown, restoring both function and aesthetics.

Dental implants offer numerous advantages, making them a popular choice for tooth replacement. These benefits include:

  • Natural appearance: Dental implants closely resemble natural teeth, ensuring a seamless smile.
  • Durability: With proper care, dental implants can last a lifetime.
  • Improved chewing and speech: Dental implants restore normal bite function and speech clarity.
  • Jawbone preservation: They stimulate the jawbone, preventing bone loss that often occurs with tooth loss.
  • Comfort and stability: Unlike removable dentures, dental implants are fixed in place, eliminating discomfort and slipping.
  • Easy maintenance: Dental implants are cared for like natural teeth, with regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups.
Most individuals with good overall health are eligible for dental implants. However, specific factors like the quality and quantity of your jawbone, gum health, and any underlying medical conditions can affect candidacy. A thorough evaluation by our experienced dental team in Newton, MA, will determine your suitability for dental implants. Even if you've been told you're not a candidate in the past, advances in implant dentistry may offer new possibilities.
Absolutely. Dental implants are incredibly versatile and can replace a single missing tooth, several missing teeth, or even a whole arch of teeth. Depending on your needs, we can design a treatment plan that utilizes dental implants to support individual crowns, bridges, or implant-supported dentures. This flexibility ensures that dental implants can effectively address various degrees of tooth loss.
You'll be under local anaesthesia during the dental implant to ensure comfort. You may experience some mild discomfort and swelling in the days following the surgery, which can typically be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers. The recovery process varies from person to person but generally involves a healing period of a few months to allow for proper osseointegration. Our Newton, MA team will provide detailed post-operative care instructions to facilitate a smooth recovery.
Dental implants are designed to be a long-lasting solution. With proper care and regular dental check-ups, they can last a lifetime. Maintenance is straightforward, involving daily brushing and flossing, along with routine dental visits. Unlike some other tooth replacement options, dental implants don't require special cleaning or soaking, making them a convenient and low-maintenance choice.

Dental implant procedures are generally safe when performed by a qualified, experienced oral surgeon or dentist. They have a high success rate, typically exceeding 95%. Success depends on factors like the patient's overall health, the quality of the surgical technique, and adherence to post-operative care instructions. In rare cases where complications arise, our dental team in Newton, MA, is equipped to address them promptly and effectively to ensure the best possible outcome.

The cost of dental implants can vary widely based on several factors, including the number of implants needed, any required pre-treatment procedures (such as bone grafting or gum disease treatment), the type of prosthetic crown used, and the expertise of the dental team. It's essential to schedule a consultation with our Newton, MA, office to receive a personalized treatment plan and accurate cost estimate tailored to your unique dental needs and goals.

Dental implants are ideal for adults of all ages, including older adults. You can be a candidate for dental implants as long as you are in good overall health and do not have contraindications that would affect your ability to undergo surgery and heal properly. Age alone is not a limiting factor; what matters most is your dental and general health.

Scheduling a consultation for dental implants in Newton, MA, is easy. Contact our dental office, and our friendly and knowledgeable staff will assist you in setting up an appointment. During the consultation, we will assess your oral health, discuss your goals and concerns, and provide a personalized treatment plan to restore your smile with dental implants.


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